Public Space Praxis (PSP)

Public Space Intervention, Pickering, Ontario as part of Ontario Culture Days Festival 2023
Image: Dewan Masud Karim

I am an artist-practitioner and an artist-researcher in public spaces. I sense them and move them with my body as much as they sense and move me with theirs – an entangled, dynamic and ever evolving web of spatial, social and political entities. And what emerges from this reciprocal relationship between my body and the poetics of public spaces is the inspiration for my artistic practice in dance and choreography.

Sensing Public Spaces through Dwelling, Pickering, Ontario
Image: Dewan Masud Karim
Public Space Intervention by a performer; a pedestrian is looking at her
Image: Anja Reinhardt, Tilburg, The Netherlands

My choreographic interventions in public spaces are invitations for the personal, social and political within us to leave the confinement of our private, inner sphere and join the limitless possibilities of the public realm in order to emerge transformed. Even before you know it and within a glance of an eye, the choreography transforms you from an audience to a performer, from an individual to part of a large public formation and in the process your existing perspectives are challenged with new encounters – encounters with your immediate surroundings, with other fellow human beings and ultimately with the world.

Within the current neoliberal, capitalistic economy in art, I, as an artist of colour, may not be heard in places that are designated as places of ‘high art’. But that force of discrimination is far from stopping me from creating. As an artist it is inherent in me to create, disrupt and imagine new horizons. Public spaces are my new horizons. They are the only places left where, still today, the forces of innumerable interactions and exchanges between people of similar and different backgrounds and beliefs bring new meanings and possibilities. Our public values are still valued here and our public dreams are still dreamt here. And hence, I perform public spaces.

Mustari’s CV

Public Space Focused Activities

Artistic Research
Choreographic Work
Artistic Residencies